Webdesign | UX | Development | Storytelling | Interaction Design


Who am I?

Hey! My name is Wout, I'm 25 years old and I am currently looking for a full time front-end or full-stack webdevelopment job. Scroll down to see some of the work I have done, and the skills I am proficient in.

What do I do?


Proficient in Python, Java(Android Studio), HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and JQuery, Arduino(C/C++), PhP. And I can learn whatever language or framework is necessary.

User centered

I'm schooled in user centered design, I always keep the target audience close to heart when I make something for them, so that it really solves their problems, instead of creating new ones.


I love using concepts like gamification or other kinds of story elements in the things I create to intice interaction with my target audience.

Interaction Design

Making a program or application with new and inventive interactions is something I really like to do. Trying out new ways to facilitate interaction or call to action is always a fun challenge!

Get in contact with me..!

Down below you will find all the possible ways to get in contact with me! I hope to hear from you soon!